
Tarot Pages
Tarot For Fiction and Introspection * Why Tarot Speaks To Us * Grab A Deck * The Fool’s Journey * Elements And Alchemy * Numerology: The Story of Creation * Court Cards * Seeds For Stories * My Tarot Stories

Tarot Stories

All of the tarot stories (and the pages linked to above) are drafts for an eBook I’m working on. They are mostly flash fiction length. Non-tarot stories follow this list.

My Recovery Garden is Persephone’s Garden. I revised a bit of journaling inspired by the tarot into a nonfiction blog post.

The Student, inspired by the Page of Swords. As the child or student of the air element, she is still learning to be aloof and in control of her emotions. She better learn fast, her family and kingdom are facing a horrific threat, she might be the only one left who can come up with a cure.

Regret, inspired by the King of Pentacles, reversed. It was supposed to be a simple burglary, the target seemed like such a kind and gentle man, but I guess we all have secrets.

Vigilante, another reversed King of Pentacles. Some monsters are heroes, some heroes are monsters. It’s all about perspective and justification when two complicated and bloody minded creatures come head to head.

Broken Queen, inspired by the Queen of Swords. Do not cross the Queen of Swords, especially the rockstar witch.

Lover’s Leap, inspired by the Three of Cups. What do you do when you find out you are carrying the child of a monster?

Run, inspired by a two card draw, with Justice as the predator, and The Lovers as the prey. Is it love, or just an illusion?

Other Stories

The Hunter. A woman facing a violent death has her prayers answered by an unexpected source.

The Souvenir. A cursed knickknack leaves a trail of blood as it passes through a small town.

That Black Devil. I got sad that ghost stories around the fireplace for Christmas isn’t so much of a thing anymore, so I posted a spooky fairy tale I wrote a few years back. It’s fairies, so more about pranks than horror and gore. This one is more short story than flash, get comfortable.

Tarot Pages
Tarot For Fiction and Introspection * Why Tarot Speaks To Us * Grab A Deck * The Fool’s Journey * Elements And Alchemy * Numerology: The Story of Creation * Court Cards * Seeds For Stories * My Tarot Stories